We CAN NOT create sustainable change by solving the
wrong problems.
Welfare spending is the largest item in the federal budget, more than the nation spends on social security, medicare or national budget.
76% will receive welfare benefits for longer than five years.
To tackle this massive issue, we have to do more than provide families with services that allow them to cope with financial stress during rough periods of their lives, but prepare them for stable employment opportunities with a focus on the mastery of basic skills. It is through the sustainability of family that children thrive. AAAG addresses the needs of the family to move them into the labor market. Children can focus on their future when they don’t have to focus on survival.
We have a plan to make it happen.
Traditional methods alone will not solve the problem. We develop customized solutions to create sustainability for disadvantaged youth and their families.
We believe in training and development, so we listen closely to the people we serve and build customized programs that develop them personally and professionally.
As we empower people,
we connect them to opportunities and support each step of the way.
We’re a family.